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Would Like to Win – Dorset Cereal’s Good Honest Crunch

10 Apr

Good Honest Crunch

The lovely people at Dorset Crunch have launched ‘Good Honest Crunch’ which they say is for those who think life’s too short for boring breakfasts – and have offered you, lovely Would Like to East readers – the chance to win a case of the Crunch and a couple of bowls and mugs from their new crockery range – to make your breakfasts fab.

The Good Honest Crunch, which I have been busy scoffing for a couple of weeks now, are rolled oats with crisped rice, coconut, sugar and runny honey gently baked to crispy, light crunchiness.  The toffee and pecan crunch is my favourite and lovely with Greek yoghurt and strong coffee!

And I think Dorset Cereals are totally right about life being short for boring breakfasts.  Life’s too short for all kinds of things… life’s clearly too short for me to own a hairbrush.. to have skinny milk in my takeaway coffees… to ignore the ice-cream van when it jingle-jangles down my road.

But what do you think life’s too short for?

Let me know – by adding a comment below by Sunday 17 April at midnight – and I will ask my Mum to select the funniest or sweetest answer and the winner will receive all of the Dorset Cereal goodies soon after.

Life's too short...

The small print:

* The winner will receive 4 boxes of Toffee and Pecan and 4 boxes of Strawberries and Raspberries Crunch and 2 mugs and 2 bowls from Dorset Cereals.

* My mum will see the comments but will not know who has made them and will choose the winner shortly after the closing date.

* You can make as many comments as you like – just don’t go too crazy.

* Bear in mind my mum is judging this competition – so if your answers are sweary or rude they may not be winning!

* Good luck!


After much deliberation and umm-ing and ahh-ing my Mum has finally decided who to crown as the winner of this most tasty prize.  She laughed alot and found it genuinely tough to decide but Tobes with his answer of “Life’s too short for… your average lemming. Bless em'” is the winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered – you are all hugely funny – well done.

Would Like to Win: Teapigs Prize

5 Oct


Thank you so much to everyone who entered my competition to win a lovely bundle of teapigs prizes – including a beautiful teapigs mug, a pack of English Breakfast, a piglet of mao feng green tea and one of lemon and ginger – there were some lovely mugs on display and you shared some really sweet and funny stories. It’s great to know how many of us appreciates a good brew.

That said, I can’t have been the only person who noted that, in her speech to the Labour conference, Harriet Harman, when describing the new Labour leader, Ed Miliband – who used to work for her – said he’s “intelligent and courageous”, and added that: “he makes a lovely cup of tea”. Bravo Ed that’s what I like to see in the leader of a major political party…

Anyway, back to business and the winning entry is by Denny from London, with this lovely brew dressed to look like a boozey beverage.

She said: “it’s my favourite mug – a big, hunky chunk of fired clay, with traditional Bulgarian decoration – dressed with an amaretti biscuit to give it that exotic cocktail look. It’s really just  decaf, milky Earl Grey (it’s late, after all…), but still – the most spectacular mug of tea I’ve ever made.”

Well done Denny, it looks totally rock and roll (and cosy too!)…  and thanks to Teapigs for being lovely and obsessed with good, proper tea to a degree that is almost indecent. I heartily approve.

Would Like To Win – Teapigs Prizes

22 Sep


 I love tea. I adore it. Tea rocks. I am pretty sure, in fact, that tea is one of the greatest things ever made. Seriously, who said that the wheel is the greatest invention? A wheel? A Wagon Wheel maybe, at least that goes well with tea. You see nothing, for me, can surpass the magic power of those little leaves.

From slurping giant mugs of tea in bed on a sleep-crumpled Sunday morning, trekking flasks of tea up mountains in Wales to enjoy from the summit, or those spicy, milky, dreamy cups of chai served through windows at an Indian railway station, or earl grey in bone china -with huge slices of cake on the side- served inside vaulted-ceilinged tearooms, glasses of apple tea in Turkish Bazaars, to picking tea leaves in sweaty Sri Lanka… tea has been a big thing in my life. And I’m sure it has for you too.

It’s acted as a cure for all manner of ills – hangover, heartbreak and the occasional work-based crisis. It has been with me to toast the end of amazing nights out and cosy days in. I am not sure I can place my favourite ever cup of tea – I once had a mug of tea and beans and plastic cheese on toast in the Perhentian Islands which was just wizard – but not much beats the first brew of the day. Usually I’m sat at my desk, fingers crossed  it’ll be served in my favourite – “Dead til I gets me coffee” – mug replete with gurning pirate. It is so silly and the tea is always so desperately welcome, that it never fails to make me smile.

And this, guys, is where the competition comes in. Those amazing tea-heroes at Teapigs have very kindly offered to submit a prize. And a tea-based prize at that. In order to win – drumroll please! – a teapigs mug, a pack of English Breakfast, a piglet of mao feng green tea and one of lemon and ginger, all you need to do is email me with a pic of your favourite mug of tea. It could be the mug that makes it, the place where you drink your tea, or it could be the story that goes along with it.

Please just email me at before midnight on Sunday 3rd October and you could be in with a shot!  If you have any questions then please pop them in the comments or email me. The winning picture will appear on this blog so nothing too rude in the shot please. And if you want to know more about teapigs, purveyors of amazing tea and lovely to match, then please visit their website:

Would Like To Win: Guilty Pleasures – Dorset Cereal

2 Mar

Red red wiiiiine.

Druuuum roll please… we have a winner.

Thank you to everyone who entered my Guilty Pleasures competition and a HUGE thank you to Dorset Cereals for a super prize.

 Some of the entries were adorable, some funny and some frankly, disturbed, …ahem… but the winner, all the way from Guernsey, is Miss Foo (she of Foozbook fame): Congratulations!!

Not only does she look very mischievous in her picture but she is brilliantly showcasing that most guilty and most pleasurable of guilty pleasures: Wine!

Who doesn’t adore a glass of vino collapso after a long day in the office or on a night out on the tiles and who hasn’t felt guilty when after (one, ahem) too many you’ve been caught snogging the wrong guy or eating your flatmate’s “hidden” stash of chocolate.  Let’s hope that the goody-bag of Chocolate Granola helps Miss Foo recover should she indulge in her favourite guilty pleasure… x

Would like to win: Dorset Cereals for Guilty Pleasures confessions!

23 Feb

Granola Goodness


I don’t know about you, but when I was a nipper I used to beg my mum to buy certain cereals – anything with chocolate in it or even better lucky charms – and was often told to forget it. So now that I am big enough to go shopping myself (most of the time, when I am hungover I find it to be distinctly beyond my capabilities…) there is something of a thrill about getting to buy the cereal I want and if there is a gift inside, knowing that I won’t have to share it with my brothers but can keep it all to myself! 

Nowadays, I like to mix it up cereal-wise: I have a big crush on these chocolate-pillows that are very naughty (sorry Mum!), I love porridge in the winter with jam or honey and dried fruit and I am one of those freakish people who actually loves muesli. With a splash of soya milk. Scrummy. 

Now, these are two of the new flavours that Dorset Cereals have come up with and I have to say that they are pretty darn good – the one with nuts especially tickles my tastebuds. (I would say if I didn’t like them, I promise!) and I have a little competition set up with them where you can win: 

*3 boxes of brand-spanking new chocolate granola *3 boxes of nutterly fantastic chocolate granola and macadamia nuts  *a lovely jute bag and *a spiffing bowl to eat them from! 

It’s simple to enter – just send a picture (and let me know if you don’t mind me popping it onto my blog) and contact details to me at of you and your guilty food/drink pleasure.. it can be a picture of you with something you know you shouldn’t want to eat (the dastardly findus crispy pancake say..) or a picture of you when you were little with a giant bowl of something naughty (I’m thinking arctic roll…!) and the funniest picture will win.  The deadline is the 28th February. Brillos! 

Hannah x

Would Like To Win: Dorset Cereal Mega-Prize!

17 Feb

Lovely Dorset Cereals

As you’re all probably aware, today is the first day of Lent. After the thrills, spills and tasty debauchery of pancake day, we now must sober up. I couldn’t think of anything that I wanted to give up and having previously given up chocolate, will NEVER ever do it again… I’ve decided to go for a walk (of at least half an hour) every day instead. Boots – start walking!

..and so I wonder which of your guilty pleasures YOU will be giving up? And  – here’s the competition part – if you have any photos you could send me of you scoffing your filthiest, guiltiest foodie pleasure?

You see those lovely people at Dorset Cereals have generously donated a prize for my little competition. So the funniest/filthiest entry will win all of the following (and will clearly deserve some honest tasty grub!):

*3 boxes of brand-spanking new chocolate granola *3 boxes of nutterly fantastic chocolate granola and macadamia nuts  *a lovely jute bag and *a spiffing bowl to eat them from!

It’s simple – just send your pic (and let me know if you don’t mind me popping it onto my blog) and contact details to me at and I will choose the winner!

Hannah x

p.s. The deadline for this competition is the 28th February.